Rep. Boyd Meets Constituents at Bakers

State Representative Pat Boyd, a Pomfret resident, hosted his first of five district coffee hours at Bakers' Dozen in Pomfret tonight. The coffee shop was filled to standing room only as Pomfret residents asked questions of our state representative. Among the issues discussed were the CEBAC Agreement, the recent budget season, and ongoing debate about bringing tolls to Connecticut.
Boyd expressed his concern about unfunded pension liabilities that have contributed to the ongoing issue in the state budget as well as recent changes made to the health care changes for retired state employees. Boyd clarified that those changes were made by the Governor and the legislature has no ability to prevent that from happening.
He called on the state to come up with a vision for economic development that will guide its economy forward in the coming years. In February, a task force made up of elected officials and prominent CEOs will release its own recommendations for making Connecticut more business-friendly. Boyd said he is excited for the report and wants to help support businesses as much as possible in the upcoming legislative session.
Boyd also expressed concern about a recent plan to bring tolls to Connecticut. The bill, as written, gave the Department of Transportation a blank check in bringing tolls to the state. Boyd wants any plan to implement tolls in Connecticut to be subject to the legislature's approval so that he can meet with constituents and gauge their support before voting for or against the proposal.
In addition, Pat has done a lot of work in his first year. He was instrumental in forcing a compromise budget, passed a ban of coal tar sealants after the 2016 Longmeadow incident, worked on supporting local agriculture and family farms, and is now the head of a caucus designed to help firefighters and other emergency medical responders.