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Perrier Outlines Policies and Campaign

John Perrier, a Democrat from Stafford, is running to replace outgoing state senator Tony Guglielmo. Tonight, Perrier came to join the Pomfret Democratic Town Committee to talk with committee members about what he hopes to do as a legislator and how he plans on winning the election.

Talking to a packed room at Grill 37, Perrier talked a lot about the opioid crisis. He said that he believed school-based programs that emphasized the realities of addiction are needed across the state to help put an end to the epidemic.

He also promised to protect rural Connecticut. Towns in the 35th District have seen their funding challenged by Governor Malloy throughout the budget process. Perrier said he wants to look at closing loopholes in the tax code to make sure that everyone pays their fair share so that towns don't bear the brunt of that loss. In addition to closing loopholes, however, Perrier said he wants to make some sensible cuts to state spending. He specifically mentioned looking at the current policies regarding state-issued vehicles.

Perrier plans on actively engaging every town in the 35th district, including Pomfret. You can "like" his page on Facebook here. There will also be a fundraiser for John Perrier and State Representative Pat Boyd in Woodstock, CT on March 17th. You can email for more information.

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