Nicholson Talks About Women in Government at QVCC

First Selectman Maureen Nicholson traveled to QVCC Monday to meet with students and share her experience as a female elected official in Connecticut. Joining Nicholson on the panel were State Representative Anne Dauphinais, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, and Rose Reyes, a Windham Town Council member.
Maureen shared her experience running for office as the first female First Selectman in Pomfret history. She encouraged the young women in the audience to trust in themselves and surround themselves with a supportive team that would help them win. She also told those in the audience to get involved young.
When Maureen talked about "saying yes" when called upon to serve her town, one girl in the audience took her advice to heart. Heather Vogt, President of the QVCC Student Council, left the talk on Monday and was elected Vice Chair of the Brooklyn Democratic Town Committee on Tuesday night. (Congratulations, Heather!)
"Listening to Maureen was truly inspiring," Heather said. "If it hadn't been for her and the rest of the panel on Monday, I could not have said 'yes' when the Town Committee asked me to serve."
For Maureen, politics is always about service, and she imparted that wisdom on the group of people gathered for the panel. Thank you, Maureen, for your dedication to the town and for setting such a positive example for the young women of the Quiet Corner.